American Institute of Aeronautics and AstroNautics (AIAA) Report

Kilroy Aviation is proud to announce the publication of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Task Force report "Challenges to the Commercialization of Advanced Air Mobility". Our CEO, Mike Borfitz, was co-chair of the Task Force with Nick Lappos, who addressed air traffic challenges in Section 1, "Air Traffic Management for the AAM World". We can't say it any better than AIAA posted in the Abstract:

"This report discusses the potential role of AIAA to help in the certification of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) vehicles and the creation of their operational infrastructure. Topics include the certification of artificial intelligence and software capabilities, vehicle configurations, and battery/motor systems, as well as the impact of the vehicles in the air traffic management airspace system. Recommendations are made for AIAA participation and technical leadership to facilitate successful and cost-effective AAM certification and implementation."

"This report has six major recommendations where the Task Force is confident that AIAA can be especially helpful. AIAA has vast technical capabilities in its membership as well as a reputation as a balanced, honest broker of technical issues and judgments that can help government and industry as it moves toward implementation of AAM capabilities."

Sections 2-5 are:
2: How Can Novel Technology Survive in a Proscriptive Regulatory Environment? (Herb Schlickenmaier)
3: Proposed Curriculum for Start-up Certification Tutorial Teams (Mike Borfitz)
4: Legal and Policy Implications of Novel Aircraft Technology (Rex Alexander)
5: AAM Infrastructure Gap Analysis (Rex Alexander)

Read the article here


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